I'm new to the forums, so sorry for not posting screenshots of the problem.
I have been trying to make a PHP/Mysql, database to create a login.
I completed like 3 tutorials on the web, and the ones here, like "Simple Login using a MySQL database", and "Creating your own Leaderboard / Highscores easy and free (PHP MySQL)"
After quite some research and failures, I figured that "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()"
has to do with some deprecated functions of a old PHP, and now people use the DBOperations.
So, I'm following a Android tutorial on "learn2crack" website, with the name "Android Login Registration System with PHP and MySQL (Updated) – Server #1"...
I have set up, all the server, database, php files etc. And I'm using Postman, to POST, this request to the server:
"name":"Raj Amal",
My question is, the code above, the Register Operation, How I POST that, using Construct 2 events?
I tried a Event like this:
Mouse, On left button clicked, on Sprite, AJAX, Send "" to URL "" & txtPlayerName.Text & "&score=" & Score (method "POST", tag "PostScore").
But that is not working, anyone has any suggestions?