Thanks for replying Bruno
Based on your answer, this is what I've managed so far:
I have a couple of questions.
- Create productBox at columnX, loopindex * (productBox.Height + boxSpacer) - I'm guessing productBox is am image, is this correct? Also, how do I add the actions at columnX, loopindex * (productBox.Height + boxSpacer)
- Load imagePlaceholder from array.At(4) - Do I just add the object name of each image in column 4 of the Array?
- Spawn XXX at imagepoint(XXX) - how do I use Spawn? It's not available as an action.
- What is an imagepoint and how do I create one?
Thanks for your help on this.
First of all, your Repeat loop should be nested inside the Ajax>On completed event. Now to your doubts:
1. Yeah, it's a bogus name for a Sprite object that would be the base of your list item. When you create an object it will ask you for the X, the Y and the layer at which it will be created. In my example, I calculate the Y based on the height of the box and the spacing between boxes.
2. In my example I'm loading an external image, so in that case you would add the relative or absolute url of the image. Adding all images as individual sprites is very cumbersome and I'd strongly recommend you don't do that. You may use the approach I mentioned and create one sprite and storing product images as its frames. In that case, the image column would just tell the frame to go to. Also, notice that array indexes start at 0, so 4 is, actually, the fifth column.
3. "Spawn another object" is an object action, that is, you'll got to "productBox>Spawn another object" (or whatever name you use for your product box).
4. Spawn requires the new object to be created at an imagePoint. Imagepoints are like "hotspots" you can add to a Sprite object. All Sprite objects have one imagepoint (index 0) by default, which is their origin. You can add more imagepoints by opening the Sprite in edit mode and picking the tool that looks like an aim or crosshairs. When you pick the tool a window will show a list of all imagepoints for that image. You can add new ones using that window.
Hope this helps. Cheers!