You can put several separate points? I wanted to create three groups of polygons in same image
You can't.
but you can pin three images together and it will be like one image.
You can't. but you can pin three images together and it will be like one image.
Explain to me how to do that and if that would help me. Thank you
What exactly you want to achieve?
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do something like in the picture but with the three blocks there. Try to pin, perhaps run me
Check out the capx.
I pinned 3rd object to 2nd and 2nd to 1st.
Also added drag/drop to the 1st object(black one) so you can see how they move together and you can edit each ones collision box
It's just what I wanted with drag & drop, but only from a piece I can move it, wanted from the three pieces could move with drag & drop. It can be done?
sorry for my English
Just add the drag and drog behaviour to the other pieces as well
While the two pieces have the pin behavior, only moves the main
You could pin/unpin objects as necessary like this. There is also a container object in Construct, I'm not sure how it works, but try searching for it, it may be helpfull.
thanks for everything, is perfect