As soon as I want to attack, and I walk a little bit, my player repeats the attack without wanting him to do that.
How can I solve this
thanks in advance
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There are several things that may be causing this... It's hard to tell you how to solve without seeing the actual code/capx.
Hi brunopalermo,
I use a boolean attack, that's all.
Hopefully you have an answer
thank you in advance
Boolean attack is the deadliest of all!
FabianB please save your project as CAPX file, upload it to dropbox and share the link.
It's not possible to help you without seeing your code.
How do I send a screenshot? maybe that's better than capx
I use postimages.org or imgur.com
The black stripes are not important XD
Hey FabianB!
By your screenshot, I don't know how the attack animation is playing at all, since it would be stuck on the first frame and never end, because of the Set animation action while Attack is true.
If you could share the capx, I could thry it and see the actual problem hapenning...
Hi brunopalermo
I think i fixed it.
Player is Attack
Add sub-event
ManBox (PlayerBox) is moving
Add action Set Attack to False
Add action Set animation to run
I would like to thank you also for the effort
My english is not the best