I know this question has been asked many of times and I feel like I am sorta beating the dead horse with this question.
Basically I am making a platformer where the player can pickup and throw objects left, right and up. I have detection box named “Carry” that is pinned in front of the player with a set Boolean variable to that object named “Carrying” set to false on start. When the “Carry” object is overlapping the throw-able box and the player presses the X button, that throw-able box is then pinned to the Carry box, the “Carrying” variable is then set to true. Upon pressing the X button again while carrying the throw-able box the bullet is enable on the box and the box shoots off from the “Carry” detection box in the direction it’s pointing and the Carrying variable is set back to false…
Unfortunately, this isn’t working for me. I looked and searched at past questions, tutorials, .xcap examples files, etc on the C2 forums. The error I get is the throw-able box shoots off instantly upon the carry detection overlapping the throw-able box.
I know I am on the right track with having the “Carrying” variable keeping track of the player is holding an object. I don’t understand what I am doing wrong. I was really hoping to avoid asking for help on this because it seems so simple in theory… But here I am…
Any help on this issue would be much appreciated. I know I am on the right track on getting this to work, I been struggling with this for too long. Most-likely I am over thinking concept.
Here is my .xcap file: dropbox.com/scl/fi/o86bsnbbh3fcfe2/GrabAndThrow.capx