The gameplay I am wanting to recreate is that of Solar Jetman on the NES. Here is a
I'm wanting to have realistic collision with a tilemap object.
I have a spaceship flying around and a tilemap object that shows a mountain.
I've tried giving the tilemap a solid behavior and my ship a bullet behavior. This gave me a good bouncing collision effect. However, the bullet behavior wasn't good for my ship because when the ship changed direction, the ship would instantly start moving in the new direction rather than continue to drift in the original direction and gradually accelerate to the new direction.
I've also tried giving the ship a physics behavior 'moveable' and the tilemap a physics behavior 'immovable'. However, my ship collides with the very outer rectangular bounds of the entire tile map rather than just colliding with the mountain. I'm not sure why the ship would collide with the entire tilemap because i've deleted all the tiles that are not a part of the mountain. But the ship still sees the empty tile space as part of the tilemap.
Are there any other ways of going about doing this? Thanks and Happy New Years!