Ashley, I'm making a new thread about this because the other thread (linked below) is older.
Old Thread
Sorry if I'm doing this wrong I've never posted around here. I figured I was alone on this or it was something with my code, but there does seem to be a problem with Timescale and Pathfinding.
In short its the same problem the previous user had, if you increase the timescale objects seem to get stuck or in my case go in small circles endlessly.
In my case I'm trying to simulate a speed up for sleeping, so while the player is asleep other things still need to happen, mostly NPCs moving around and such. Since I don't want them to wait forever I currently have the timescale set to 50. I've observed characters walking around during sped up time and it isn't entirely consistent. Sometimes they do fine and other times they just glitch out at seemingly random spots and go in circles. Sometimes they find a way out of their glitch and continue on but its very much a problem. I can also confirm that watching NPCs walk around at normal speed in the game they never have issues.
Another note is that I had the timescale going at 100 times speed originally but the problem basically happened all the time so I dropped it to 50 and thought it had been solved.
Personally, I get what you are saying, based on how events are run, at least from what I understand, everything should still go in order just a lot faster. It doesn't really make sense that speeding up the timescale would break it. In any case if you have any insight or fix for this I would appreciate it, thanks.