I have one animation for a burning tree. In the first frames it is perfectly healthy, then begins to burn and finally burns down to cinders.
My forest can catch fire. The fire propagates to other trees, destroying large sections of the forest in the end.
Can using instanced sprite animations of just one "burning-tree" animation spare resources in this case? Can I conserve memory and CPU cycles by using only one "burning-tree" animation and starting instances of this one animation at different game-times and screen-coordinates - as the fire propagates?
Eventually I want XCOM-1-style large-scale fires. Does instancing help here conserving memory and some CPU resources? The whole forest fire is just one sprite animation put on the screen at many coordinates at once, playing with different start times. I want to make the instances begin at random times so the burning tree animations on screen will NOT be synchronized.
Can instancing or an other solution preserve resources in this case? Memory, CPU cycles?
Does instancing makes sense in this case?
In 3D rendering, engines can use instanced geometry objects - reserving memory only for one object - and rendering many of its instances.