Hello! I'm trying to make a door to door thingy in which you're suppose to be able to go back and forth between pair of doors.
I know this would be super easy if I made a different object for each door, but I'm sure it can be done using instances of the same object instead.
Currently I can only go one way with the doors, from instance 0 to 1 but no the other way.
Here's the file.
Here ya go:
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omg... I noticed all the changes you made, but I have absolutely no idea what you did or how it works... I wanna cry xD!
Mr. Ramones, would you please be so kind to post a little explanation? pretty please?? :D
Sure... I added comments to the capx.
yay!! now I get it completely! you blew my mind, I had no idea you could do thing this way =)!
Thanks you so, so much again ramones, you're the man!