Hello, all.
I'm looking for a C2 algorithm for 1 condition on key press that could check 4 things.
I have 4 elements/sprites.
"story so far"
"start a new game"
They blink on auto in sequence as selections.
Currently I have this setup:
if button is pressed (say XPAD D-pad up):
if anim "blink" in "story so far" is playing:
<-- set anim "default" in "story so far"
<--set anim "blink" in controls
2 other conditions for the other elements
if anim "blink" in "controls" is playing:
<-- set anim "default" in "controls"
<--set anim "blink" in "story so far"
**This ends up executing 2 conditions because of the resets as opposed to 1**, (1 exclusive condition check is what I need), so the list never goes to the last element.
I'm guessing this is a pretty common problem in programming, so the solution is just having 1 condition check on key press which checks 4 things?
No idea how to program this.
I'm guessing something with pushback array, etc.?