Need a kind person for help

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  • I still have problems with save and load menu. I looked everywhere, asked everybody. But I could not figured that out. I just don`t get it (arrays and webstorage)

    So, I `m just looking for a kind person to send my .capx game file, and if that person would be able to create save and load option in my game, I would be soooo thankful to him or her.

    Please, anybody <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • What kind of game are you making? What things do you want to be saved?

    While I wont do it for you I will gladly help talk you through how to do it yourself. If you dont get arrays, forget about them - there are other ways to save what you need (Unless your making an rpg, that could get complicated).

  • Its a game with kinda Minecraft gameplay. You can find it in Arcade, it is called "Kopatel 2D"

    What I need to make is when player press Q button (for example) it saves all blocks on their position and it saves the amount of players lives. Then person who plays, close browser, shutdown his computer, go to grandma for vacation, comes back, lunches game, press E (for exmaple) and position of the blocks become exactly the same, when he left a game.

  • What kind of game are you making? What things do you want to be saved?

    While I wont do it for you I will gladly help talk you through how to do it yourself. If you dont get arrays, forget about them - there are other ways to save what you need (Unless your making an rpg, that could get complicated).

    I ll be glad if you show me a good way. I asked Ashley, but he is a busy guy, so what I`ve got from him was "Use arrays" =)

  • Ah ok.. maybe I should have said "Unless your making an rpg OR a minecraft inspired game". Saving player lives is easy but if you want it to save whole level layouts your going to have to use arrays as Ashley suggested.

    Here is a really good tutorial on how to use arrays from Ramones. Thats the first step.

  • Saving an array in webstorage is not trivial. You need to make sure you understand them perfectly.

  • Saving an array in webstorage is not trivial. You need to make sure you understand them perfectly.

    Agreed, nothing is trivial on the World, people still having problems to understand how to start a new project ^^

    AlexeyMak , you will need much more than a simple save and load system to save, it's about how you organized your code.

    For example, if your character have changed 100 blocks on the scenario, each block will need to have their own ID, pos.x and pos.y stored in an array (array is a type of thing where you store information, separating each one by commas).

    So, think in a scenario with a grid of 4 slots, like this:

    _ _



    Where is the X? Is on the thirty slot.

    How you'll make Construct 2 know it? If it's already there, Construct 2 already know it, so, start indexing in an array the first one, the second and ahead, like this: (nothing, nothing, X, nothing). Now C2 know a sequence and know where the X is, it's on the thirty slot of your array. Then, when loading, you'll need to make C2 know how to place it on the thirty slot by doing a math with a looping, for example: when looping reach the slot 3, it'll call the array slot 3 and place the X on the right location.

    Well, it's easy to write here, but I can't reproduce it in an CAPX at this time, because my arms are short when talking about arrays ^^

  • Thanks guys for help and your time!

    I guess? I just won`t make it, cause it is looks hard and the main reason, every time I tried to learn arrays - its just don`t come to my brain. There are some thing people don`t understand.In make case it is arrays )

    So, whoever be able to make it, I can pay for this (paypal)

    Just send me a private message.

  • Alexy

    You are NOT alone! I have had a very difficult time with arrays. I absolutely do not mean anyone any disrespect, but the tutorial mentioned above may be awesome, but it is not for beginners. Perhaps beginners to arrays, but definitely not for beginners at construct, arrays, and coding in general. I was not able to follow that tutorial. I only got so far before I had to give up. The tutorial expects you to know very much about construct. I would love for someone to finally come up with a step by step tutorial on arrays. I may purchase a license and set it aside to grant the first person that comes up with a comprehend able step by step tutorial on arrays. I believe there are many people that would be harnessing the powers of arrays if they were not arrayophobes like me.

  • I feel a little bit better, knowing that I am not the only one

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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  • Val: I'm sorry, but ramones' tutorial arrays for beginners is the most comprehensive, step by step tutorial one could make about arrays.

    It's full of screenshots and illustrations, I don't see what more you would need/expect.

    It sounds to me you're maybe thinking arrays for something they are not.

    The C2 requisite is about making events/conditions/actions, nothing more.

    The tutorial itself, explains how to set up the arrays, store values in it, and then retrieve those values.

    That's what arrays do/are for.

  • Kyatric,

    I'll go back and do the tutorial again, that I may find the steps I had difficulty with. There may be two tutorials called "arrays for beginners". I'll go check. I'm very much aware of what an array is. Do you think that possibly because you are capable of using C2 in your sleep, that you may have overlooked some steps in the tute that a raw beginner would not understand, yet comes second nature to you? Again I must aver that I mean no disrespect to the tute or Ramones, it just felt a bit to advanced to be called "beginner".

  • Hi,

    Yeah its me again. I started following the tutorial, but hit my first big snag right in the beginning on the first page under "Setting Values". The tutorial shows a panel titled "Add Action" with the system, array, and text, as its choices. To be honest I searched for quite some time (nearly 2 hrs) throughout the forums and website for a possible missing step. I thought you could only add an action following an event or condition. However the first step in the tutorial goes straight to an action panel. Should there be an event or condition to build from? I do not know how to add an action with out it following an event or condition.

    I'm curious how far Alexey made it into the tutorial, and or got his questions figured out. Anyhow that is probably the step that tripped me up the last time I tried out the tute. I quite confident though once I get the first part figured out, the rest of the tutorial will not be to difficult.

  • I think as far as the tutorial goes you can put all the action described in a start of layout condition as there doesn't seem to be any interactive stuff (no input from the player) and no evolution in time (no animation or movement)

  • Thank you Yan!

    I was able to set up two arrays following the tutorial using "on start of layout" as you mentioned.

    The tutorial then says...

    To retrieve a value from the array we can use


       1| Array.At(index)

       This step baffles the dog donuts out of me as well.

       How do I use the line above?

    Then the following step...

    To set the variable animal to the first animal in the array:

    there is an image of a panel titled...

    "parameters for system: Set Value

               Not sure how to access that panel either.

    However, I really do not have the time for this right now. Even with a basic understanding of events and actions, etc. I still cannot follow this tutorial on my own.

    I'm done ripping into Alexey's thread.

    I'm going to just wait for a step by step tutorial.

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