Need help for safari browser

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Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • Hello!

    I have some problems with safari. The game runs great on firefox, chrome, ie. But on safari i get sometimes some error messages - and the complete website has to be reloaded. Has someone a hint what i could do right now?

    Is there an expert who could say whats the problem? Im sure it isnt a problem with the project.... but i have to know if there is a possability to avoid the safari crashes. The console doesnt create a error message and in the header i only get the information that there is an issue with the webiste so it has to be reloaded.

    i made a screenshot:

    Can someone tell me how i should go on right now? How i could fix this issue or probably there is someone who had the same experience with safari browser issues and knows how to handle this.

    Thank you very much!

  • crashed thread: audeferreredrender

    the problem is related to your audio. maybe line 38 in your event sheet?

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  • celstrider

    Thank you for your answer. I will check this out. Bud do you know what could be the reason for this? I imported files like construct2 needed. 16 bit wav. files. Is there something i did wrong probably?

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