Here's a bit of a different thought of approach.
Currently, with what you are attempting, there is a potential high bandwidth usage, with you trying to tell another player, at high interval, that something (a tree) is somewhere, and you will be trying to communicate regularly (sync) where its position and what its angle is.
By any means, this is most inefficient.
The tree wont move (at least, thats my expectation of a tree) so, telling other players its angle and position continuously is not helping aiding the mechanic of the game.
You could try and have some a variable synced, telling the other player the state of the tree ... but this too .. is .. still too much. As it would continously check if some state has changed, and inform the other player.
My apporach would be:
If the map has been made in advance (on the layout editor), on both the host and the peer, then both the host and the peer already know where this static object is, the tree.
Requiring the destruction of the tree on both ends, would only require 1 side, telling the other side, that a certain tree has been destroyed.
Now, in actions and conditions: if I destroy a tree, send a message to the other player, containing ID of said tree, in a message indicating it has been destroyed on my end. In response, the other player receives the messages, and aptly destroys the same object.
Send message "destroytree" message "xxx" (some ID) to other player.
other player
on received message, "destroytree" , pick tree with id of lastmessage, destroy tree
That just about sums it up for relaying the sate of a static object, with just 1 message, instead of a synced object, greatly reducing bandwidth/overhead.