Yes, because the Localstorage plugin will save data just the way how our usual save games are stored.
However, if the data is saved locally, they'll disappear once user deletes cache. (I'm not sure if cache is the correct term, but locally saved game files always disappear whenever we go to web browser's privacy section to remove cache and other details.)
That means the user will have to start from the beginning again, after the local files get wiped out.
If the game is going to be an epic scale, I would recommend you to store the data remotely on a server, so users can access their saved data no matter what happens to their local save files.
Setting up a remote save feature will need other things such as finding a good web hosting provider, setting up a database, handling configurations, etc.. though.
And that's a.. completely different beast. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad"> ... sql/page-1