So this is a more specific version of other posts relevant to this matter.
The other posts that I read had
Ashley suggesting that you use a browser on the server to serve as the "host" peer, but that is not really a good option for us, since we are using a GUI-less Linux server and a lot of Java backend code that is taking up most of our current CPU/memory resources.
Is there anyway to do this short of completely reverse engineering the WebSocket API that the the Mutliplayer plugin uses in order to try and mirror the host's messages from one centralized server? Sadly, all of the Multiplayer examples use wss, which means that I would have to figure out how to plugin SSL certs into Wireshark to get at the messages being passed back and forth.
If I can't get this figured out, we are going to fallback on some kind of AJAX solution for now, because I don't have the time to build a completely new WebSocket plugin for Construct.
Or perhaps
Ashley can give us an API (or some kind of text file showing messages passed to/from an example host)?