Well, thank you very much for assisting, you gave me the start of the solution, so for anyone who wants to do it here is what I did:
1) I divided the screen into 2 parts (it could be more) and i did up and down arrows codes, very similar to what you said
2) I have top buttons which navigates among sections, i have down menu (movies thumbs) so i followed the tutorial for the arrow keys menu, each top menu and movies scrolling menu is inside a group and each in same coding and all just as the tutorial.
3) in the up and down arrows codes i just said, if the curser var=1, then stay on the top menu position and the top menu group is active, the scrolling movies menu is de active, if i press down, the curser object goes to the first movie thumb in the movie scrolling menu, this mean that the top menu group will be deactivated and the scrolling movie menu will be active...
I'm so bad in explaining lol, but i hope the concept was clear, it's all about putting each menu items in a group and then toggle between active and de-active state as you go up and down..