Hi everyone !
To present myself, im formerly a php developper, did some javascript / php games before, but I?m mostly an artist and I must say Construct 2 is the perfect way to save some time on the basics ! Great, great and powerfull tool . I?m still quite noob w/ construct 2 and so I?m asking myself directions to take.
So here?s my first question.
I?m working on a point?n?click that includes a lot of dialog.
As a french writer, I?m doing the dialog in french. But the final version will be in english (w/ french subtitles)
So the thing is that I need to have every text in a database, so I can have all the text in a document and have it for translation. In PHP, I would have make a excel form with 3 columns :
A ID name ("Welcome_Text" for example),
the french version,
and the english version.
Then I would have a function that will get the good version. Like
In Construct 2, my first feeling is to make it with arrays, but is there a way to load something like a .csv in a array at loading ?
What would you recommand for doing what I?m looking for ?
I hope Im clear enough with my question.
my other question is : do you think that a web game such as those made w/ Construct 2 can handle all the sound clips of the voices acting ? I mean, what would be a good strategy ? If the full game weight is around 200 mo, is it a bad idea to consider it as an online app ?
thanks to those who can help me.