Hi everybody!
I need to load a JSON or XML file from a remote source with AJAX, the problem is not to load it, but to parse it!
If I run the layout I can see in the firebug console, that the request is completed succesfully and it returns the JSON file.
Now I want to generate a list of online users with this JSON, how can I do that?
The request returns this:
"username": "marc****co",
"seconds": "5",
"photo": "https://graph.facebook.com/134****302/picture?width=90&height=90",
"level": "2"
"username": "jo****sa",
"seconds": "10",
"photo": "https://graph.facebook.com/143****567/picture?width=90&height=90",
"level": "5"
] [/code:3cv9aa68]
Thank you!