I had this working and then did something which started causing awkward behaviour, so I deleted all of my line of sight code and started over. I am at a very simple form of line of sight and its not working and its blowing my mind.
Obstacles: Solids
Range: 400
Cone of View: 360
Use Collision Cells: Yes
Enemy has LineOfSight to Soldier -> Set SeesEnemy 1
Thats it....and its not working at all.
The enemy spawns on the right side of the window, uses pathfind to find a path to a random Solider. The objective is that when it triggers lineofsight to soldier I will change the speed to make the enemy stop. (it was working before without issue). On Create the enemy finds the path, moves along the path, but when its within line of site range it does nothing, just continues to the Soldier and stops when it arrives, never triggers lineofsight at all. I am absolutely baffled.
Quick Edit. I have the Soliders using a line of sight behaviour as well, and they trigger line of sight fine, and throw squares at the enemy when they are within range. So line of sight does work with Soliders, but not Enemy even in the most simplest form.