I'm having a problem creating straight collision polygons. My problem is in the way my tile maps are designed, the collision polygon needs to cut through the center of the tile. This creates inaccurate collisions because the polygon line can never be perfectly straight.
Here is a r239 capX showing the problem: http://www.louisferina.com/games/testCollision.capx There is a sprite with the platform behavior and a tilemap with the solid behavior. No events.
- Jump into the right wall by holding right arrow and pressing up repeatedly. Do not let go of the right arrow while jumping. (Works as expected)
- Jump into the left wall by holding left arrow and pressing up repeatedly. Do not let go of the left arrow while jumping. (Does not work as expected)
Jumping against the left wall causes the sprite to hit the center tile collision polygon. It seems impossible to create an exact line where this would not happen. Jumping against the right wall works as expected because the border of the tile can be lined up perfectly.
It seems like there needs to be either some leniency where the sprite does not hit a collision polygon that is smaller than a 0.5 pixel difference or a way to snap collision polygons to exact pixels.
Is this a bug, an editor request or am I just missing something?
Thanks for any help!