How do I keycode to gamepad?

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  • Hehe hey there! ^_^

    So basically i have made a config ingame to edit buttons. However i noticed that 'Keyboard' and 'Gamepad' are seperated.

    Is it not possible to make a same keycode for both? Ie, instead of making it;

    UP Arrow pressed


    Gamepad Up arrow pressed

    To make it into = When Keycode is pressed. (No matter if gamepad or keyboard) ?

  • Hehe hey there! ^_^

    So basically i have made a config ingame to edit buttons. However i noticed that 'Keyboard' and 'Gamepad' are seperated.

    Is it not possible to make a same keycode for both? Ie, instead of making it;

    UP Arrow pressed


    Gamepad Up arrow pressed

    To make it into = When Keycode is pressed. (No matter if gamepad or keyboard) ?

    This isn't possible. Controllers don't use keycodes like keyboards do, they use button IDs.

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  • > Hehe hey there! ^_^

    > So basically i have made a config ingame to edit buttons. However i noticed that 'Keyboard' and 'Gamepad' are seperated.

    > Is it not possible to make a same keycode for both? Ie, instead of making it;


    > UP Arrow pressed

    > OR

    > Gamepad Up arrow pressed


    > To make it into = When Keycode is pressed. (No matter if gamepad or keyboard) ?


    This isn't possible. Controllers don't use keycodes like keyboards do, they use button IDs.

    Thanks for clarifying this - so basically i need to make a key config, 1 for keyboard and 1 for gamepad.

    Then the entire controller unit must be 'when keycode (keyboard pressed) OR keycode (gamepad pressed)

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