I looked all over net and i can't code it myself...im lost
I wanna give example....if anyone can help me i would be grateful.
Here is example of How it should look;
Sprite ------ Name ------- Quantity
But using sprite sheet for items and armors and stuff like it. i did search forum and found some just i want to have 1 row instead of 2 sided rows.
Like this one from different post : called Simple RPG Item Menu
he used 2 rows ..i wanna have 1 and with same description.
Now qty shouldn't be displaying x0 or any number at all it should be invisible if is 0
If it's greater than 0 it should be visible.
Also this no picking items form ground rather buying form some shop keeper and getting drops form mobs.
If anyone can provide me with capx so i can study it i would be in great debt