Greetings, I'm working on producing a JSON to populate my game with text.
So far it's going good, but one of the problems I'm having is that I can't find a way to include variables in my JSON.
Basically I want this =
"The Game has arrived, which is good because " & DicCharStats.Get("WRS") & " brought their controller."
To come out : The Game has arrived, which is good because [character name] brought their controller.
It works in general, but when I add it to a JSON (Setting a new string), it converts it to:
"The Game has arrived, which is good because 0 brought their controller."
Obviously it then comes out of there exactly like that.
I was thinking of doing a workaround, where something like *Character* in the text would represent that it would need to be replaced with " & DicCharStats.Get("WRS") & " when it was printing the text, but I haven't found the functionality in system, and haven't found a plugin that does what I want.
Anyways, thanks for any help ideas, this is the plugin I'm using for JSON right now: