I wouldn't say you cant do what you want, but you will need to be a little more creative. This is for Photon, I couldn't find what you would want with the multiplayer one.
A. Create a Webplayer sprite.
B. This sprite is never actually part of game play. maybe it's a logo in the corner to represent the player face. Maybe it's off screen. Whatever, it's not actually going to be used as a game piece. Also make it global so it does not get reset between layouts.
C. have a Dictionary Object called Message
D. Set all your data values for transmission in your Message.
E. Webplayer.SendTextMessage( Message.toJSON )
on the recieving side
Message.importJSON( webplayersprite.photonclient.message )
*** cough, reverse the import
also a tip for you Message Dictionary. You Dictionary should have two parts of a structure.
Always include this
follow up with what ever information you need
figure.moveto xy
text for chat message....
of course you will need to do all message handling yourself. No way to get around that.
umm. as for Rooms. Well there looks to be room(join/leave), but I saw no actions to support it. So you will need to add that to your text message handling.
Alternatively and very hesitantly. I might part with my photonclient I was toying around with. I do mean toying, as it's not meant for release and never meant to be released.
It already supports Join/Leave rooms, and is a plugin not a behaviour.
Data is packed into a Variadic params that "Function" uses. and is accessed by PhotonClient.Param(#) similar to Function.Param(#).
Based on Event Registration. So your action/command is already expressed with the message.
-- Client.RegisterEvent(#)
-Client OnEvent
-- Client.CompareEvent = #
however, I'm not sure I'm ready to part with it. It's
A. Not done
B. prone to a lot of terrible code(in the js)
C. prone to errors
D. some Events/Actions are 'in', but do nothing
E. possible complete upheavle leaving the high possiblity that you would need to wipe all your photonclient work and re-do it.
F. Requires you to run your own server as it does not use PhotonCloud
G. I may and likely will drop Photon in favour of NodeJS ActionHero or Tycho.
H. I'm not likely to support it out side of a few basic questions.
I. No work done on RoomLists. so there is no way manage room details.
Your probably better of using Velotjet and working around it. While overall the MP is not ideal. It is workable, just a lot of work. I'm sure Velotjet will get the ultimate networking code running sooner or later. We have a lot of network faith in his efforts :)