how can i calculate the hit cell (col/row) of a tilemap (on collision)?
You can use the tilemap method positionToTileX and positionToTileY to get tile position (col/row) from screen coordinates.
it would be something like
col : tilemap.positiontotileX(sprite.x)
row : tilemap.positiontotileY(sprite.y)
This returns the cell of the colliding sprite but not the cell the was hit
All I can think of is a rather terrible workaround.
Limitations include really fast balls not registering properly (because they've bounced off and are not overlapping anymore) and slightly inaccurate detection.
Here's the capx.
In short, I moved a set of 8 hit detection sprites to stay on the tiles surrounding the ball. When the ball hits the tilemap, it erases the tiles the hit detectors were on at that point.
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clever solution but a bit too 'fuzzy' for my needs
Ashley: please add this event/function/property to the tilemap object.
This is similar to "getting the point of a collision between two objects" - objects don't collide at a point, they have an overlapping region. So in fact the collision would intersect a patch of tiles.
Would it be possible the provide the overlapping region for (each) collision?
Here's some more ideas on how to get the overlapping tiles:
You can probably get exactly like that pic by first using the raycast plugin to get the collision point then using the idea above to get the hit tile.