Ok, i dont get it some of the things in this engine are very strange.
Let say i want to make an AI move from top to bottom. Since the object is already added to the layout, i can go with:
Set Position (x,y)
Then Set X,Y self.x/y + 100 * dt
If i destroy it outside the layout, i wont be able to use this object later. So i must use clones or learn to use Create or Spawn.
When i use Create, it spawns continuously (why it should do this, i dont get it) the correct function could be Create X or Infinite of this object vs cords...Its like this function was made only for bullets...
So whats the correct loop to create a single object, or two..?
On Condition - Create a object at specific coordonates
Do something with the object
So far i tried:
Trigger Once : Create object
Every Tick: Move
Object Y > X : Destroy
But somehow it spawns 2 objects.