Hey there
Ashley, I don't want to bother you, but I was wondering if you had any suggestions regarding this change in Crop mode functionality.
I'm not sure who else to ask, since I believe this change occurred between r262 and r263.
In r262 and earlier, Crop mode behaves as expected, but from r263 and onward Crop mode behaves quite strangely in fullscreen, at least on my computer.
One way to describe it is that it doesn't actually go fullscreen, but instead just stays the default window size and blacks out the surroundings.
Example capx:
This is a capx that makes it easier to test out what I describe below.
If you preview it from C2 version r263 or later you'll see the strange fullscreen behavior.
If you preview in r262 or earlier fullscreen works as expected.
Example capx - Images:
r262 Windowed, just for reference:
r262 Normal fullscreen Crop behavior:
r263 Strange fullscreen Crop behavior:
Notice that the WindowWidth and WindowHeight readouts are showing the values of the default original window size.
In all my games, I've been setting the property "Fullscreen in browser" to "Crop" mode.
Up to r262, Crop mode did no scaling of the game visuals when the window size changed or went full screen. Instead the game visuals stayed at a fixed scale, and the changing size and shape of the window would simply reveal more or less of the layout.
So going fullscreen in crop mode, would just show more of the layout, and the layout would remain at 1x scale. (Or whatever scale it was at prior.)
From r263 onward, Crop mode still doesn't adjust the game's scale when the window size changes or goes full screen. However now, when a game enters fullscreen, the new area revealed by the expanded "window" is solid black.
As a result, the game is only rendered in a centered rectangular area, with the dimensions of the "Original Window" width & height, and it's surrounded by solid black out to the edges of the monitor.
(By contrast, in r262, the game would be rendered out to the edges of the monitor, with no black letterboxing.)
Additionally, when in fullscreen, the System object's WindowWidth and WindowHeight expressions return the width & height of only the rendered area, which as mentioned above is the "Original Window" width & height.
(Conversely, when in fullscreen in r262, the WindowWidth and WindowHeight expressions would return the dimensions of the current screen resolution, as the game would fill the entire screen.)
Possibly related:
The only thing I can think of is that it might somehow be related to the fullscreen 'Centered' change in r263.
"Browser: Request fullscreen 'Centered' incorrectly did 'Letterbox scale"
Otherwise I'm not sure what caused the change in the Fullscreen Crop behavior.
Anyway, if you get a chance, I'd be interested if you have any thoughts, or questions.