> > To you and me it's worthless, for beginners it shows what the condition is (an empty event/condition can confuse some)..
> > Removing it makes no difference whatsoever..
> >
> Agree, but it doesn't mean that they can't understand it
> About the position of the action... now that I think about it a little more
LittleStain, I'm pretty sure that lines 12 & 13 are not necessary executed secuencially because they don't belong to the same action and they are at the same place from the condition hierarchically speaking. Am I right
> If this is right... placing the "Move 5 pixels..." in line 11 or 13 should be the same so it can cause the angle isn't know at right moment.
As I understand events are read and executed from top to bottom..
Because I'd like the angle to be known before setting it, placing the event setting the angle above the one moving at that angle seems like a logical choice..
If I put the action in event 11, the first tick the overlapping condition is true the action would take place using the old value of the instance variable..
Now at the first tick the overlapping condition is true, first the new value is set (triggered once) and after that it is used in the second action..
LittleStain I do understand the logic of what
Bl4ckSh33p is trying to do... He has to know the angle before the action "Move 5 pixels...", that isn't in discussion.
What I'm wondering if they are always executed secuentially by Construct 2.
I had this doubt on one of my projects when some things triggered in a bad way, so I did a proof of concept and it seems that two subconditions at the same position hierarchically speaking below another condition are not necessary evaluated secuentially.