How do I fix this stupid camera?

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From the Asset Store
Simple and easily editable template for a dynamic camera that zooms in and out based on how far apart the players are.
  • ok good morning forum imma really need your help on this one cuz i have no idea what could be happening to my code

    im trying to make a camera that progresses trough single screens one at a time, the way the code works is it checks if you arent inside a camera hitbox that takes the entire screen, if you arent and you are still horizontally in range that would mean the camera needs to go horisontally to the next screen so the code checks for that too (imma add vertical screens later so it is necesary), and then finally it checks if you are to the left or the right of the camera so it can determine if it should go to the screen on the left or the right. its literally the same line of code but one is for when you are on the left and one is on the right(picture included)

    now can someone explain to me why when i went to test it the camera goes to the right normally but just doesnt go back? like its literally the same code but checking for different sides i got no idea what to do

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  • I think you put Y's in there instead of X's ?

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