99Instances2Go thanks again for your answer! Today i recognized following i want to descripe:
I´ve a minimap. This minimap is an extra Layer, on which you can see a small complete version of the ingame map. If you click onto a point on the minimap you come onto the right spot for the ingame map. On the ingame map there are the footsteps placed were talking about the whole time .
The problem: If i switch between the minimap (remember extra layer) and the ingame map - all footsteps are resetet and invisible (because its settet up in the code ive get from ROJOhound (thanks again for that )). My Problem: Is there a possibility to save the founded footsteps with your solution ROJOhound? Because if iam finding - lets say - 5 foosteps and i switch to the minimap and then back again, i have to code that the footsteps ive found bevore are visible (makes sense because ive found them). But now the question of the questions. How? Ive tried it with a loop but that didnt work, because if i set the iids to invisible it will do it for all footsteps.... and again...iam confused about that fact.
For example: System -> For each footstep1 order by foostep1.IID > 10 ascending -> foostep1 Set Invisible. So why there are all of them invisible? Usually all footsteps bigger than 10 should be invisible, and all foosteps under 10 should be visible right?
Is it possible to do a for loop with this kind of "non-array"?
Thank you for your awesome help!