I read around a while on the forums but could not find what i was looking for, if its already out there im sorry.
Basicly i have a family of character-sprites that i can click on to choose to get various information from that gets stored in global variables. Then i have a confirm button that locks the variables and goes to the next layout.
But then i want to be able to spawn that already chosen characters sprite again without having to make an event saying
If ChosenCharacter == 1 then spawn spriteA.png
If ChosenCharacter == 2 then spawn spriteB.png
If ChosenCharacter == 3 then spawn spriteC.png
If ChosenCharacter == 4 then spawn spriteD.png
So what im wondering is if there's a way to make something in terms of
Spawn the family-object that has family-variable 'chosen == true'
Since i can for example easily make that change to the last object i clicked on earlier, but i cant really think of a way to extract the information in a spawn-object event that targets a family.
No matter how i try to go around it, it spawns a random object from the family. Any hints are appreciated.