I developed a game about racing cars (http://fuscaextreme.clay.io) and im having a trouble with the timecompare.
The system: When the green light in semaphore is turned on the time since the beginning of game is registered in a variable. When each car cross the final line (on collision with the final line sprite) the system subtract the time from the variable from the actual time. This is the time of race of each car and it is showed in a score screen. A screenshot of the final race shows the difference between the cars in the final line.
The problem: The difference of time of the cars dont match with the image. Sometimes the screenshot shows the cars in different position and same time of racing. It happens when the difference between the cars is short.
Why it happens and how can i to solve this problem?
(Sorry my bad english. I dont speak english)
Anderson Paulino Perraro
Ararangu� - SC - Brazil