Hi, I've been looking for "Enemies to Platform binds" codes and what I found not sounds good for me. So, I tried to do something that facilitate to introduce the enemies in to platforms, like this:
But, when I duplicate enemies in another platforms, it don't work:
A platform interferes with another. The interference occurs from the shortest to the longest, as can be seen below:
Does anyone have any idea how this can be resolved? Or better, how can this action be attributed to each individual platform?
I can't open your capx, but could the clamp expression help you to bind the enemy?
to attribute to each platform you could use:
system for each platform.
No... I've tried to do this but I think the problem is the logic I used. If there is someone who can help me see this logic I would be grateful.
Hey — !
You can do it using a container, saves a ton of code)
Here is the .capx
And here is a manual on Containers
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THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU ... THANK YOU a lot JJList. It�s work very fine!!!
You are more than welcome, I'm glad I could help! <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" />