How would one get the current acceleration of a moving object?
I know that A = dv/dt, but I'm not sure how we would get dv. Can someone help me with this?
EDIT: Here's my current line of thought.
I have an object with a set acceleration of 120 and a max (capped) acceleration of 320.
As long as the up arrow (causes player movement) is down, I would add 120 to the variable.
As long as the up arrow is not down, I would decrease this variable by the built-in deceleration rate (hand-chosen amount, since I can't use physics friction coefficient without knowing what that deceleration rate actually is).
As long as the down arrow is down (braking), I would decrease this variable by the braking deceleration amount.
So really I would be tracking keypresses to track the (supposed) acceleration, and not actually getting the actual acceleration.
Does this sound right? Is there a better method?