dt vs secs

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  • When you're setting deltaTime (dt) in events, says Ashley in some blog or tuto that it should not be used for the Wait X Seconds condition, as it would only make that event dt dependent again. But what about the Wait action? Should it go in dt or secs?

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  • The 'wait' action is the same as 'wait x seconds'—you don't see two separate actions, correct?

    I believe theonly other action with 'wait' in the wording is 'wait for signal' which is completely different.

  • The 'wait' action is the same as 'wait x seconds'—you don't see two separate actions, correct?

    Wait is an Action, Wait X Seconds is a Condition.

    When you're setting deltaTime (dt) in events, says Ashley in some blog or tuto that it should not be used for the Wait X Seconds condition, as it would only make that event dt dependent again. But what about the Wait action? Should it go in dt or secs?

    Same logic applies to Wait as to Wait X Seconds, use seconds.

  • Wait X Seconds is a Condition.

    Do you mean 'Every X Seconds'? Not sure 'waiting' as a condition sounds logical...

    But yes, the same logic would apply

  • OddConfection

    Right yes, my bad! Not Wait X secs but Every X secs. Hell I've been 5 mins quite perplex myself haha.

    Thanks guys

  • > Wait X Seconds is a Condition.


    Do you mean 'Every X Seconds'? Not sure 'waiting' as a condition sounds logical...

    But yes, the same logic would apply

    Yes, that's the one. Was going by the OP's naming of the condition rather than checking but knew which one he meant. You're right about 'waiting' not sounding very conditional, I should have picked up on that..

  • The point of dt is to handle different framerates at the same real-world speed.

    If something already uses seconds instead of frames, e.g. "Wait X seconds", "Every X seconds" etc, then it already works at the same real-world speed, because 1 second is still 1 second regardless of your framerate. So if you add dt it is simply wrong.

    I think asking this question is a sign you don't quite understand what dt is for yet...

  • Ashley yeah I was mildly aware the answer would most likely be some kind of obvious syllogism... Maybe you're right about me and dt -- i was thinking i was just plainly not clever enough XD In these cases, empiric tryout is what we hv left, but sometimes (often!) that's inconclusive. Anyway, it's clear now. Thnks everybody

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