Hi Xavier,
Thanks for your reply. I've tried Global variable, but because my events go like this, I can't have a single global variable:
A is on collison with Description A, add 1 to global variable
A is dropped (not in collison with Description A), subtract 1 from global variable
But when I do this, since there is no set number in the end, as I don't know if the players will get 5/10 or 9/10 or 1/10, I don't know what to set the final Global varioable value to be.
What I wanted to do ideally was to create something like this:
Object A in collion with Description A, add 1 to Global variable
subtract 1 from global variable
But I can't do this since there is no else activated in the Actions tab....
sorry does this make sense? I would like to add my file but I can't seem to do that here?