I dont upload the capx cause its private but i can explain the events i used for the Inventory.
Item = the Sprite with the Droppable Items and Stats in it
Slots = The Sprite for the Inventory slots(slot is the Instance Variable to specify wich Instance is wich Field in the Inventory)
Inventory = Array for the Inventory(First Dimension for the Inventory Slot, The second for the Item stats)
The Event looks like this:
Item on Drop and Item is Overlapping slots
Item set position to Slots (To place the Item at the Middle of the Field)
Inventory set value at (Slots.slot,0)to Item.AnimationFrame (each frame is one Item)
Inventory set value at (Slots.slot,1)to Item.Speed (Speed is the Instance Variable for the Speedboost, the other Item stat are in the following Fields like (Slots.slot,2) and so on...)
This is what i now have, but i dont know how to check if a Item is moved.