Hi. I'm doing an ARPG in the style of Zelda (LttP), a 3/4 overhead action-style game. I'm having, however, an awful lot of problems trying to get the controls down.
This is my problem: As you can see on the screenshot, I've set it up so the player loses the 8-dir control of the character and it instead switches to a bullet behavior, goes in the direction of the mouse for half a second, and then reverts to 8-dir. This is working pretty well as far as I'm concerned. The problem however, comes with the DodgeTimer variable.
I want the Dodge function to be disabled for a couple seconds, so I've set a variable. When the variable is not 0, an autonomous process should take care to reset it once enough seconds have passed. And the thing is, it works! At the first time. Then I'm able to click without the function being disabled for some time (the text box I set to monitor the variable shows a '3' briefly, but quickly reverts back to 0), and then it works again. And then it will do the same thing again.
So what's the problem here? The processes are correct as far as I can tell, and it works flawlessly except for 4 times out of 5, when the counter just resets to 0 without waiting for the seconds.
I'd be really thankful if anyone pointed out the problem for me.
Here's the screenshot.
<img src="http://www.freeimagehosting/w89fu" border="0" />