Hey people
I am making a system where if the Player is close enough to a chest, he can access it. I've tried a lot of stuff, but i can't get it working - only on the X axis. I have an event like this:
When [Chest] left clicked
[Player] X > Chest.X+250
Set [Chest] animation frame to 1
Set Steak position to Chest.Y-30, Chest.X
..that works, but if i do like this:
When [Chest] left clicked
[Player] X > Chest.X+250
[Player] Y > Chest.Y+250
Set [Chest] animation frame to 1
Set Steak position to Chest.Y-30, Chest.X
..it won't work properly.
I know it sounds pretty weird, i've uploaded my .capx so you can look at it: mediafire.com
I just need the player to only access the chest when he is 250 pixels near it. Both on the X and Y axis.
Thank you,