yeah , how do you disable this behavior once your sprite has it ??
i basically need to change a topdown bike sprite in an open world (scroll to ) to a target in a fixed window
both player controlled.
just click the trash can in the objects behavior window :D
<img src="" border="0" />
burningcake I think he meant disable the behavior during run time.
Unfortunately it isn't possible. But it's easy fixable by making your own scroll-to behavior with the scroll to position/object actions.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Instead of using the scrollto behaviour, you can also use the system scrollto action. This gives far greater control possibilities.
burningcake I think he meant disable the behavior during run time. Unfortunately it isn't possible. But it's easy fixable by making your own scroll-to behavior with the scroll to position/object actions.
well that wasnt clear to me sorry for this.
Its not possible as that cow says.
Thanks for the speedy response :D
yeah i meant in run time..
ill give that a go , thanks
i used this to scroll smother to my player maybe you can use this instead of creating a new behaivior :D
<img src="" border="0" />
My framerates taken a hell of a dive, i need all the speed i can get :D
Basically i got a bullethell/rpg/ in an open world with shinobi bonus stages :|
hence needing to change from the rpg world character , to a crosshair
guess i forfeit that "shake" now :| damn it !!
One thing I do to sort of get around this is use a sprite called "Camera" with the scroll to behavior. I set this sprite position to my character when I want the scroll to on him, but if I need to cut away for whatever reason I can move the camera sprite. If I need to turn it off altogether I just destroy the camera, then spawn a new one and re-attach when I need scroll to again.
This way you can still keep that handy shake :)