Ashley wrote :
his is a basic Javascript language question - it's best not to ask about the Javascript language itself in the forum, because there are much better places to learn Javascript on the web. From the SDK docs:
ome useful resources for javascript are:
> Mozilla's Javascript Guide -
> A complete guide to javascript. This might be a good starting point if you are new to programming.
> StackOverflow -
> An excellent Q&A website. Also a good place to search to see if your question has already been asked and answered.
> Javascript Garden -
> Guide to the unusual parts of javascript. Very useful if you have experience with a different programming language but are new to javascript.
> Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) -
> An excellent reference for HTML, javascript, and more. A very useful place to look up features for the browser side of the plugin./quote]
Enough with the pluginmania already...