Thank you guys for your answers and yes the solution is to use families and instance variables. Diego, a friend gave me the idea of using instance variables. Below is the description of the example. Not sure what this forum system is to post examples. Let me know and I can post it.
Set up:
The stage has the following elements:
musicBtn - code toggles music and changed the frame image of the button
resetBtn - code resets the layout
helpBtn - code sets the Y of the help screen to 0
family is called pointables - the instance variable is cursorStyle = 1
Above the stage and therefore hidden are:
help screen
closeBtn - the button is pinned to the help screen - the instance variable is cursorStyle = 1
1- if mouse is over over pointables and pointables instance variable is 1 then set cursor to hand
2- if mouse is NOT over pointables then set cursor to normal - set closeBtn instance variable cursorType = 1
3- helpBtn click event - set pointabled instance variable cursorType = 0 - set help screen Y = 0 set MUSIC BUTTON group Deactivated set RESET BUTTON group Deactivated
4- closeBtn - set help screen Y = -500 - set pointables cursorType = 1 set MUSIC BUTTON group Activated - set RESET BUTTON group Activated
So with lots of buttons it is more complicated but you get the idea. There is also the idea to add global variables to set and reset the instance variables.