Thanks for your patience ! All of you!
Maybe My english is very poor, sorry!
I don't quite understand your last post...
Your saying angleAt and speedForID worked?
or that was in your demo you uploaded above? (I Checked your demo file, I didn't see it... although my monitor is in a lower res atm)
I mean angleat and speedforid , they work for my demo uploaded above
in my capx file
On any touch end > system creat ball opject
Ball on created> Ball set Car speed to Touch.Speedat(0)
Touch is in touch >ball rotate 120*dt degree toward Touch.angleat
antares330 »
=> Now I curved the ball when I curved the swipe touch in the same time
But I want to to curved the ball affer the curved touch end.
alextro file , you have just one ball
but In my game , I spawn a lot of ball. Now , my 1st trouble is all the ball will have the same move
And your ball is have the simply curved move (banana ball) - It's very real
2nd trouble: I want my game have more fantatic move like sin move...and even the ball fly circle around and around. ( yes , the move still depend on touch input)
If I use just 3 point like your capx file , I just only make a banana move
Thanks for your helps!