blackhornet, Thank you sir! Really, you make my day!
There are still 1 problem: You can place random letters because the answer is correct.
I mean let's say it.s a SHEEP picture. You can write RWIDS and it's correct. You can place letters wherever you want and is still correct.
Thank you again sir, for helping me!
Blackhornet has virtually done all this for you.
Have you tried to understand what he has done and attempted to amend it yourself?
If you don't start understanding what he's done for you then you will only encounter more problems and always be reliant on others to do the work for you.
If you try and fail, then fair enough. You can upload your failed attempt and we can then see how to guide you to better understanding, rather than just doing it for you.
If you have no interest in learning how to use C2 then fair enough. I just like to think people want to learn, but it's not always the case