Has anyone come up with an efficient way to create a game with spaces/tiles? If you are not sure what I mean think checkers.
I have seen a couple of ways people have been working on it (and seemingly struggling) and have thought of a few ways to do it. But I feel like there has to be a simpler and more efficient way.
Is there a table object I'm missing? The rows and columns of a table would work fine. Has anyone used an array to keep track of the contents of their 'tile' game?
I'm almost hoping that a 'tile' behavior (and object?) will be added. Could be paired easily with a tilemap (if you want a space in the tilemap to equal a space in the game). That would be a great help in making games like strategic combat games (like Xcom; FF tactics), board games, old school RPG type games, or sim games (like SimCity, Harvest Moon). Simple commands/events like 'if tile occupied' or 'move x tiles' would simplify some of these events sheets I've seen in examples.
I have digressed, sorry. Let me know if you have tackled this. I don't usually mind finding complex solutions, but I feel like if basic html can create a table then I don't feel like spending my time reinventing that.