How do I create a game that sends notifications...

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"Easy Local Notifications" enhances games with customizable local notifications.
  • How do I create a game that sends notifications once a timed event is complete.

    For example, Hay-day - once a plant is finished growing if you aren't in the game, that timer still goes down and a notification gets sent to the player - this is what I need to know. Both if possible, how to make it so timers still count down and notifications but most important is the timers tbh haha.

    Thanks guys and gals


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  • You can create a game that sends push notifications, there are some plugins about. With a timer I'm not sure that's possible as the app does not run in the background. You can compare time elapsed between previous and current launch of the app but that requires you to go back to the app to receive the notification.

  • You can compare time elapsed between previous and current launch of the app.

    This would be fine, any chance you can give me some info on how to do this then ^

    Thank you - I'll try googling that now I have what its called too

  • There is a plugin here for building push notifications with cordova :

    This is a plugin for detecting system date/time, you store it on app close and then on app launch compare the time that elapsed :

  • Thank you

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