You need to put that one enemy into a family (fam_enemies), then for any bullet collision checks, use fam_enemies instead of the enemy type you're hitting. Families in C2 work by applying conditions of the family only to instances within that meet the conditions. Therefore, to also make them move randomly, when using System -> Create object and the sprite, after that line you need to look into implementing a waypoint system. I haven't attempted it yet, but it should be as simple as spawning a transparent object at a random X and Y position, then sending that spawned sprite off to that transparent object. Then on fam_enemies and in a separate check after spawning, you'd want to check if it collides with the transparent object and if so, to make another and send the ship that collided (again, this is automatically detected since it's in the family, and we're checking the family, not the sprite) to the new one.