..don't worry
guannstar ... I did not forget, just a different time zone
so first...
How could I make it so that when you input data, the data on the graph only shows up if it's the correct year (2015)?
..If I correctly understood,you want something like this
i use Array(12,11,1)...x(width)=12(months); y(height)=11(years..2010...2020);..z(depth)=1
to store data for each year...
can you please explain to me exactly how you created the twelve month buttons by using only one object?
I use button.iid Common features
so you can do something like this
if you click on button with iid=0 you will activate only bar with iid=0..etc..
you'll also notice that I used bar.iid to store values inside array...set value on(bar.iid,row)..
so..frirst if bar is "active" that's meen...array set value on (0,row)..second ..(1,row)...etc..