I have the Cranberry IAP plugin installed with the settings below, but am getting the Google Play error, "Authentication is required. You need to sign into your google account."
Yes, I am signed in on my phone.
I am wondering is this error, because I only have an app in Alpha, or is it because I am running the android-debug.apk app.
In Construct 2,
1. I added the IAP plugin from Cranberry.
2. Setup the correct Android application License Key.
3. In the layout event sheet
- On start of layout -> Add product ID "myID"
- On start of layout -> Request store listing
4. On touch gesture of button ->Purchase product "myID"
And then I have checks for On purchase fail or succeeded.
When touching the button, I get the google thinking icon and then the google message appears.
Is this OK while the app is in development?