How do I Compare

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  • I am trying to compare 3 variables of 3 instances of the same object,

    I know that it will need to go , compare A with B and if they are = then compare B with C and if there are = then action()

    The bit I am stuck on is how to fill in the box to call the 2nd variable.

    any help gratefully appreciated,


    The Text box object is called winnum and the instance variable is known as playthis and the UIDs are 23, 24 ,25

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  • If you only have three Textboxes in total, you can actually address each directly. If there are more, you need to pick each, store the value to compare, and then test the three values. Here a sample using the text itself.

  • If you only have three Textboxes in total, you can actually address each directly. If there are more, you need to pick each, store the value to compare, and then test the three values. Here a sample using the text itself.

    Thanks blackhornet, have it working in my project , think it should be quite easy to scale up as well,

    Thanks Again

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